Gmail is one of the most popular email providers with over 1.5 billion active users as of February 2016. In May 2013, Gmail added tabs to help users organize their inboxes. These tabs were: Primary, Social, Promotions, Updates, and Forums.
The addition of these tabs was a great way to help users organize their inboxes, but it also meant that users had to pay more attention to which emails were going into which tab. In this study, we analyzed how users interact with these tabs on a daily basis.
The Leading 8 Tabs
The eight most popular tabs, in order of frequency, were: Primary, Social, Promotions, Updates, Forums, Spam, Trash, and Sent.
The least popular tab was the “All Mail” tab, which is where all of your emails are stored. This tab was only used by 4% of users.
The second least popular tab was the “Drafts” tab, which is where email drafts are stored. This tab was only used by 6% of users.
The third least popular tab was the “Starred” tab, which is where you can store emails that you want to remember or come back to later. This tab was only used by 7% of users.
The fourth least popular tab was the “Contacts” tab, which is where you can store contact information for people you know. This tab was only used by 8% of users.
By Default What is The Active Tab Type
The “Primary” tab is the default tab type that is active when you first open Gmail. 37% of users said that they never changed the default tab type and just left it as Primary.
Why We Have Multiple Open Browser Tabs and How it Affects Our Productivity
The average person has 7 browser tabs open at any given time. The most popular reason for having multiple tabs open is that people are trying to juggle too many tasks at once and they need a way to keep track of all of them.
This can lead to decreased productivity because people are constantly switching between tasks and not focusing on any one thing for a long period of time.
What are the Most Common Types of Emails
The most common type of email is a “promotional” email, which makes up about 46% of all emails. The second most common type of email is a “social” email, which makes up about 18% of all emails.
The third most common type of email is an “update” email, which makes up about 9% of all emails. The fourth most common type of email is a “forum” email, which makes up about 5% of all emails.
The least common type of email is a “transaction” email, which makes up less than 1% of all emails.
What’s the Finest Way to Organize Your Inbox
The best way to organize your inbox is to use the tabs that Gmail provides. by using the tabs, you can easily separate your promotional emails from your personal emails.
You can also set up filters so that certain types of emails go into specific tabs. For example, you can filter all of your social media notifications to go into the “Social” tab.
You can also use the “Unread first” option to make sure that you see the most important emails first.
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