If you’re a soon-to-be parent, congratulations on your new addition!
Your baby’s due date is just an estimate, and it will most likely be wrong. In fact, only about five percent of babies are born on their actual due date. So what does this mean for you? It means that you’ll have to do some preparation for your baby’s arrival, because nine months from now you may be taking care of a very tiny human being.
When is 9 months from now
For expectant parents, there are a lot of things to do in the nine months leading up to the big day. They’ll need to buy supplies, decorate the nursery, and prepare for life with a new baby.
Fortunately, today’s parents have a lot more resources and support in place than ever before. The Internet and social networking sites like Facebook and Pinterest make it easier than ever to share ideas, get advice from other parents…9 months from now, you will be able to look back and say “I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when my baby was born.” You’ll also be able to think about all the things that you did in the weeks leading up to your baby’s arrival. If you didn’t do them now, then you’ll regret it later.
9 months from now is approximately September 20th and if you haven’t already started thinking about how you will take care of your child after s/he is born, then consider the following:
– Do you have a pediatrician?
– Do you have an infant car seat?
– Are there any trips planned, so that the baby cannot come along, for at least 9 months after s/he is born? If so, are alternative arrangements being made for care during those times?
– Have you bought any clothing or diapers for your child yet?
– Have you or your husband/partner decided on a name yet? Do you have a list of names just in case the child ends up being the complete opposite sex than originally expected?
– Will someone be staying with you and your baby when s/he is born, to take care of the two of you for at least three to five days?
– If you are breastfeeding, have you started practicing yet? Do you have an electric breast pump just in case the baby doesn’t latch right away?
All of these questions are important to ask yourself now, not later. Nine months from now will be here before you know it!
Other people may not have a baby on the horizon, but they still have plenty to look forward to in the next nine months. They might be planning a wedding, traveling abroad, or buying their first home. They, too, have plenty of things to do in the coming months.
The point is that 9 months from now can be an extremely busy time for you – if you’re not prepared. Maybe you’d like to finish some home improvement projects or take a wonderful vacation with your spouse before your baby arrives.
No matter what you plan to do in the coming months (and we hope that it’s to rest and relax with your baby once s/he arrives), you’ll want to make sure that you’re ready for 9 months from now. You’ll want to be able to remember this time in your life fondly. Although nine months from now seems far away, it’s not as much time as you think. Start preparing now for your new addition and things will go a lot smoother when that day comes!
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